Transformative times are shaking up how we see each other and even what we see when we look in the mirror. New voices are transforming the very definition of beauty, while scientific advancements are reformulating it. In this third issue of Magpie, we dig deeper into the intersection of culture and business, exploring the trends impacting the beauty industry.

From new markets to old misconceptions, from the scientific to the surreal, we highlight the cultural shifts that are shaping beauty norms the world over. Drawing on a broad array of perspectives from some of the most recognized voices in the space as well as faint whispers from the future, we aim to connect the dots and draw out powerful insights that inform and entertain.

Whether it’s the evolving definition of masculinity or the influence of technology on beauty products, the articles in this issue explore and explain a broad range of forces influencing the modern definition of beauty and their implications for brands operating in this flourishing and fast-evolving sector.

As always, we hope you’ll find an engaging mix of factual rigor and well-informed trend forecasting in the pages ahead. We do encourage you to reach out to us with any comments or suggestions that could help us make future issues of magpie even smarter (and remember to hit full screen for the best reading experience).

Read issue 3 of Magpie from the link below.